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How to Create an Engaging Work Environment in Your Direct Selling Business

Writer's picture: Hanna Shea Executive SearchHanna Shea Executive Search

It has often been said that people leave their bosses, not their jobs.

Now, this could make sense for those who have had their fair share of horrible bosses. But according to a study by Ladders Third Page, only 18.8% say that their main cause of dissatisfaction is their boss.

In reality, there are so many factors that affect a person’s decision to steer clear of certain companies or jobs. And in the direct selling business, these same factors could be contributing to the lack of productivity that you might be seeing among your sales associates.

What a lot of people miss is the fact that it’s the environment that could make people motivated and more productive.

It’s not just the people around them or the money they’re getting.

It’s a mix of different variables.

If you want to make your direct selling business grow even further, you have to create an engaging work environment to make everyone thrive.

Here’s how you can do that:

Create a culture of sharing, not selling

Although some people are born for sales, not everybody has the same personality.

The thing is, a lot of people shy away from direct selling companies because of that precise thing – the selling.

But selling is the lifeblood of the business, right?

In reality, selling brings in profits faster; but sharing creates more long-term results.

Sharing means that your members, customers and sales associates believe in the product enough to know how much impact it has on their lifestyle. And when the products become impactful to their lifestyle, instead of merely selling, they start sharing the amazing things they’re getting out of it to their family and peers.

It is their passion and belief in the product that shines through, not their need for profit.

When others see that, some of the pressure is lifted and they enjoy the business more.

Recognize their efforts and progress

Recognition should always be a critical part of any business.

No matter how wonderful your products are, without the passionate people spreading the word about them, you wouldn’t get anywhere.

Creating recognition programs makes people feel that their efforts are worth it (you don’t know how critical is this concept until you implement it).

They feel appreciated and believe that they are valuable assets of the business. And when people feel appreciated and rewarded beyond the usual commissions, they become more driven to do better and to perform better. They become engagers and not just sellers.

Ask for feedback

Communication should come from both ends.

Asking your team for feedback is always the best way to keep them engaged because it makes them realize that their opinions matter.

Find out if they have best practices to share among the other team members, from new to seasoned employees.

A work environment with high engagement produces people with higher productivity and better results.

Don’t be the boss or the company that drains their employees and drills them to their core.

This is direct selling. It’s all about the people. Keeping them engaged is the best way to show them the higher purpose.

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