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4 Ways Direct Sellers Can Stay Productive During Unproductive Times

Writer's picture: Hanna Shea Executive SearchHanna Shea Executive Search

No matter how much you love direct selling, it can be a bit draining sometimes.

Whether you are the CEO, VP of Marketing or even a distributor when we are tired or unfocused we decrease our productivity.

Here are fours steps you can take to beat lethargy and disinterest and stay laser-focused on your desired results. For instance:

Always Set Goals

You might have heard of this one before, but check this out.

Goal setting is essential for improving work performance, though many sales agents and managers often don’t understand why.

Failing to set a goal is like running a race with no finish line.

You can do your best and run as long as you possibly can, but with no end in sight, you’re eventually going to lose your motivation and drive.

It’s imperative that you set parameters for all your tasks so that you know specifically what you’re working towards.

Take Breaks

People—especially sales managers—often underestimate how important breaks are for productivity.

Taking five to ten minutes every hour or so to just walk around, grab a snack, or get some water can do wonders for your focus and overall output.

Breaks can help prevent “decision fatigue,” which is what happens when your ability to reason gets worn down or compromised due to all the frequent decisions you’ve had to make throughout the day.

Decision fatigue, as you can guess, can hugely affect your subsequent choices (this is a critical point).

Breaks also restore motivation, helping you stay focused on your task for a longer period of time.

Write Out Your To-Do List for the Day

Some people believe they can keep track of everything they need to do for the day simply by keeping a mental tally.

This works well for two or three items at most, but if your to-do list for the day hits five or more, you should get into the habit of writing it down. Type it out on your phone, jot it down in a notebook, or post it somewhere you can see it.

Be specific about each task, break them down into sub-tasks if you have to, and don’t forget to cross them out once you’re done.


Physically crossing out or deleting a task can subconsciously clear your mind as well and help you focus fully on the next task. The sense of accomplishment also does wonders for your energy.

Declutter Your Surroundings

Regardless of what they say, no one ever fully thrives in clutter.

Chaos may breed creativity, but it isn’t the singular key to success.

If your thoughts are jumbled and you feel like there’s too much going on to properly focus on anything, it could be because your workspace is overflowing with random, useless paraphernalia. Piles of accumulated junk can affect us psychologically, our thoughts mirroring how we see our surroundings.

An organized work area is the best way to boost productivity.

Without the unnecessary clutter distracting you visually, you’re able to refocus solely on what is essential.

Take stock of the things on your desk or in your office and start throwing away or storing the ones that serve little to no value.

Staying productive can be very difficult, especially when the hours start mounting up and the work starts to feel repetitive. As long as you implement these four steps, you should find yourself struggling less and less with productivity in the long run.

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